Detalii partener / Partner Details Hotel Cara
Hotel, restaurant, cafenea si terasa, ideal pentru afaceri si evenimente in Pitesti.
Linistitul Hotel CARA ofera oaspetilor sai o locatie perfecta in centrul orasului, chiar langa zona pietonala Piata Vasile Milea, la doi pasi de principalele atractii ale orasului, de cafenele, de restaurante si magazine. Aflat intr-o cladire care dateaza din 1978, locul unde pe vremuri era resedinta din Pitesti a familiei prezidentiale, Hotelul Cara a fost renovat in 2005 si ofera oaspetilor sai cazare intr-un decor modern plin de caldura si frumusete.
Hotelul dispune de 25 de camere dintre care 2 in regim de single si 23 de duble, toate fiind dotate la standardele de trei si de patru stele.
Hotelul Cara dispune de doua sali moderne de conferinta in care pot gazdui evenimente cu o tematica variata, conferinte, seminarii, conferinte de presa, sedinte, interviuri, training-uri, teambuilding-uri, lansari de produse, receptii. Sala de conferinte are o capacitate de 80 de locuri, iar sala mica are o capacitate de 25 de locuri in aranjament sub forma de U.
Ca si facilitati ale hotelului mai regasim: restaurantul, care ofera o gama larga de mancaruri internationale si traditionale si care creeaza un cadru excelent pentru seminarii, cocktail-uri, banchete sau petreceri de nunta deosebite.
Cafeneaua este fara doar si poate locul ideal pentru relaxare dupa o zi incarcata, cocheta, discreta, bucurandu-va de aroma proaspata a unei cafele, al unui delicious croissant sau puteti servi o bautura preparata de barmanii hotelului.
Terasa La Foisor - un colt de rai in spatele hotelului Cara. Aceasta oaza de verdeata din inima Pitestiului, este spatioasa si racoroasa cu foisoare imbracate in verdeata agatatoare, parfumata de tufele de liliac inflorite si mana Maicii Domnului. Inevitabil, atmosfera de aici este intotdeauna boema si foarte relaxanta.
Camera single standard |
196.00 RON |
Camera dubla standard |
218.00 RON |
Camera single superior |
226.00 RON |
Camera dubla superior |
240.00 RON |
Apartament |
267.00 RON |
- Tarifele includ taxa locala, tva si mic dejun (sistem buffet suedez).
- Pentru membrii Scnet, acestea dispun de reducere de 20% la cazare si 10 % la restaurant si cafenea
Ne gasiti in fiecare zi cu informatii noi pe site-ul nostru: si pe adresa noastra de Facebook /
Hotel, restaurant, café and terrace, ideal place for business and events in Pitesti.
The quiet Cara Hotel offers his guests a perfect place in the centre of the town, right beside Milea Square, two steps from the main attractions of the city, coffee houses, restaurants and stores.
It is placed in a 1978 building, that was the house of the presidential family. Hotel Cara was renovated in 2005 and assures the guests accommodation in a warm and beautiful modern setting.
Hotel Cara has 25 rooms from witch 2 single rooms and 23 double rooms, all having 3* and 4* standards. It also has 2 modern conference rooms in witch events, meetings, press conferences, conferences, team buildings, receptions can be hosted. The conference room has 80 places and the small conference room has a 25 places as a U shape. The hotel also disposes of a restaurant with a wide range of traditional and international food and it is perfect for parties or weedings. A coquette and discrete café is the place for relaxation after a busy day. Cara Café can offer her clients the perfect coffe flavor , the relish of a delicious croissant or of a good drink made by the hotels bartenders. “La Foisor” Terrace – a place of heaven that can be found behind Cara Hotel. This green oasis from the heart of Pitesti is large and confortable with a dressed hitched green gazibo , sweet scented by the flourishing flours. Definetly, the environment is always bohemic and relaxing.
Single standard room |
196.00 RON |
Double standard room |
218.00 RON |
Superior single room |
226.00 RON |
Superior double room |
240.00 RON |
Apartament |
267.00 RON |
The prices includes local taxes, tva and breakfast (Swedish buffet). They also have a 20% discount.
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Categoria / Category
- Cluburi, Restaurante & Baruri / Clubs, Restaurants & Bars- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & Accomodation
www.hotel-cara.roNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
Puncte Smart
- restaurant + cafenea:5% - restaurant + cafenea, achitat cu cardul Young:5% - restaurant + cafenea, achitat cu cardul Classic:5% - restaurant + cafenea, achitat cu cardul Gold:5% - cazare:10%Adresă
Cara SRL Bd. Ion C. Bratianu 1/// 110004 Pitesti Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Hotel Cara - Pitesti: Bd. Ion C. Bratianu 1-