Detalii partener / Partner Details Boutique Oils
Am creat aceasta afacere pentru a oferi pietei romanesti lubrifianti cu adevarat de calitate si performanta. Mizam pe clienti de nisa care au educatie tehnica si care inteleg ca avantajele produselor noastre devanseaza pretul lor. Brandurile Red Line si Amsoil, sunt specializate in uleiuri sintetice chimic, nu doar pe eticheta. Este poate o incercare de transparenta intr-o piata invadata de lubrifianti etichetati sintetici (full synthetic), obtinuti de fapt din componente petroliere.
Bazele superioare ale acestor uleiuri intrec competitia in testul Noack de pierderi de masa prin evaporare si HTHS pentru vascozitate la temperatura si forfecare inalte.
Aceste teste sunt indicatori reali ai calitatii si performantei.
We created this business in order to offer the Romanian consumer true high quality, high performance lubricants. We count on a niche clientele that has some kind of technical background and understands the advantages our products have to offer far exceed their higher price. The brands we sell are Red Line and Amsoil, both being historically renowned as synthetic oil blenders. This is in fact an exercise to transparency in a market invaded by so called synthetic lubricants that are in fact obtained from mineral derived components.
Categoria / Category
- Auto & Moto / Car & Bike- Servicii & Magazine Online / Online Shops & Services
Website telefon / Telephone numbers
Puncte Smart
- restul produselor:2.5% - brand "AMSOIL":7.5%Adresă
Boutique Oils SRL Magazin Online FN/// 510149 Alba Iulia Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Boutique Oils - Alba Iulia: Magazin Online FN-