Detalii partener / Partner Details Casa Muresan - Hotel***
Hotel Casa Muresan Brasov este amplasat intr-o zona centrala si linistita a orasului, cu patrimoniu turistic imens si bogat, la numai cateva minute atat de Gara Brasov cat si de centrul vechi al orasului, unde veti beneficia de una dintre cele mai bune oferte de cazare din Brasov.Casa Muresan intampina nevoile dvs de cazare, fiind singurul hotel din Brasov ce ofera servicii de 4 stele, dar mentinand planul tarifar de 3 stele. Va asteptam intr-o structura noua, moderna cu o capacitate de 46 de camere, dotate conform standardelor europene.
De asemenea, intr-o ambianta placuta si pregatiti cu o echipa profesionista, Hotel Casa Muresan Brasov va astepta la Restaurantul nostru care va ofera o gama larga de specialitati culinare atent pregatite, pentru a va incanta gusturile.
Hotel Casa Muresan Brasov is located in a quiet central area of the city, huge and rich heritage tourism just a few minutes so Brasov Railway Station and the old city center, where you can get a good accommodation.Hotel Casa Muresan Brasov comes to meet your needs for accommodation and tourist accommodation with all comfort you need to make your stay a success. Whether you visit the city of Brasov, or have to organize conferences or business meetings, we will provide accommodation with 35 rooms.
Also in a pleasant and trained by a professional team, Hotel Casa Muresan Brasov expect our restaurant which offers a wide range of dishes carefully prepared, to delight everyone.
Categoria / Category
- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & AccomodationWebsite
www.casamuresan.roNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
Puncte Smart
- cazare si restaurant:5% - cazare si restaurant, achitate cu cardul :5%Adresă
Casa Muresan S.R.L. Str. Nicopole 54/// 500063 Brasov Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Casa Muresan *** - Brasov: Str. Nicopole 54-