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Detalii partener / Partner Details Pensiunea Recidency

G.P.M. Logistic SRL


Pensiunea Recidency este situata in centrul orasului Oradea aproape de Primarie si Teatrul National.

 Daca sunteti in cautarea unui loc de cazare in Oradea, va asteptam intr-o atmosfera calda si primitoare, cu 10 camere duble si 4 apartamente, complet echipate.

 Fiecare camera si apartament dispune de baie proprie, TV si acces gratuit la Internet wireless. 

Apartamentele au in componenta o baie, un living care include bucataria, echipata cu frigider si aragaz.

 Pensiunea noastra dispune de parcare proprie, supravegheata 24 ore/zi.

 Receptia noastra este disponibila 24 ore/zi, asadar sunteti bineveniti la orice ora. Animalele de companie sunt acceptate.

 Aerul conditiont si ventilatoarele nu sunt incluse in pret.


The Recidency Pension is situated in downtown Oradea close to the City Hall and the State Theatre.

If you are looking for a place to stay in Oradea, we are expecting you in a warm and welcoming environment in 10 Double Rooms and 4 Apartments, fully equipped, that are provided for you.

Each room and apartment has its own bathroom, a TV and free wireless internet access.

The apartments have a bedroom, a livingroom which includes the kitchen that is equipped with a fredge, a stove and a hood.

Also, our location has its own parking space, closed and supervized twenty 4 seven.

Our Reception is also available twenty 4 seven, so you are welcomed anytime.

Pets are accepted.

Air conditioning and fans are not included in the price.

Categoria / Category

- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & Accomodation



Numere telefon / Telephone numbers


Puncte Smart

- camera single 80 lei, camera double 90 lei, apartament double 115 lei:7.5%


G.P.M. Logistic SRL
Str. Ion Luca Caragiale 15///
410212 Oradea

Numere telefon / Telephone numbers



Pensiunea Recidency - Oradea: Str. Ion Luca Caragiale 15
  • Magazinul
  • Sediu
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