Detalii partener / Partner Details Hotel Dana II
Hotel Dana 2 este cel doilea hotel din randul hotelurilor Dana care se disting prin stil, eleganta si servicii ireprosabile.Rafinamentul decorului, subliniat de linia sobra, dar în acelasi timp calda, sunt motive suficiente pentru a sustine cele trei stele înscrise pe frontispiciul hotelului. Hotelul este situat in centrul istoric al orasului Satu Mare, facilitand accesul rapid la tot ce este important in oras.
In incinta hotelului veti gasi restaurant, bar, sala de conferinta, piscina, conexiune la Internet in fiecare camera si o atmosfera calduroasa care va vor face sederea la noi cat se poate de placuta. Hotelul este situat in centrul istoric al orasului Satu Mare astfel fiind nu doar foarte captivant ci si aproape de tot ce poate fi mai important in oras.
Vis-a-vis de hotel se afla parcul central al orasului cu vestitele sale fantane arteziene, oferind un refugiu pentru toti cei care vor sa scape de haosul cotidian. In proximitatea hotelului se afla si centrul administrativ al orasului astfel putand sa va rezolvati problemele de afaceri in cel mai facil mod posibil. Hotel Dana 2 va surprinde placut orice musafir al sau combinand inaltele standarde europene cu placuta ospitalieritate traditionala romanilor. Acest hotel este locul unde cu siguranta va veti simti ca acasa. Veti intra client si veti pleca prieten.
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Hotel Dana 2 is the second hotel (in order of establishment) in the Hotel Dana series, which distinguish themselves trough style, elegance, and flawless service.The refinement of the decoration, highlighted by the sober line, but at the same time warm, are reason enough to sustain the three stars marked on the Head block of the hotel.
In the premises of the hotel you will find a restaurant, bar, conference hall, swimming pool, internet connection in every room and a homely atmosphere which will make your stay as pleasant as possible. The hotel is situated in the historic center of the city Satu Mare so being not just very captivating but also close to everything that can be of importance in the city.
Across the hotel you can find the central park of the city with its famous spring wells, offering a refuge for all those who want to escape the daily chaos. In the proximity of the hotel you can find the administrative centre of the city making it possible to resolve your business problems in the easiest way. Hotel Dana 2 will pleasantly surprise any of its guests combining the high European standards with the traditional Rumanian hospitality. This hotel is the place where you will surely feel like home. You will enter as a guest and leave as a friend.
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Categoria / Category
- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & AccomodationWebsite
www.dana-hotel.roNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
+40261806230Puncte Smart
- la toate serviciile si produsele, cazare, restaurant:5%Adresă
Zirmer Bud S.R.L. Piata Libertatii 2/Floor// 440014 Satu Mare Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Hotel Dana II - Satu Mare: Piata Libertatii 2-