Detalii partener / Partner Details Sungarden Golf & Spa Resort
Imaginati-va un loc in mijlocul naturii unde legenda se ingemaneaza cu misterele lumii moderne, o oaza de liniste in care se poate lasa in urma tumultuosul ritm al vietii orasului, un spatiu al relaxarii in care puteti sa beneficiati de serviciile unui centru Wellness & Spa, de o cazare intr-un boutique hotel, de deliciile culinare oferite de bucataria restaurantului, de o piscina exterioara care ofera racoarea atat de cautata in sezonul estival, de sali de conferinta, de un restaurant pentru evenimente, de o capela in care sa marcati evenimentele importante din viata dumneavostra.
SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort este un loc in care in care iubitorii de natura si miscare pot beneficia de terenul nostru de golf de 9 gauri acreditat de FRG, de terenul de tenis, de terenul de fotbal si de beach volley, de tir cu arcul si pescuit sportiv, de tiroliana, de trasee de drumetie si trasee pentru biciclete, de o sala de fitness complet echipata si de un club cu simulator de golf, masa de billiard si tenis de masa.
In acest caz imaginatia dumneavoastra se transforma in realitate, pentru ca in Padurea Baciului, in locul numit Poiana Cerbului, la doar 15 km de Cluj Napoca si la 20 km de Aeroportul International Cluj Napoca, veti gasi acest spatiu si va veti putea bucura de tot ceea ce va ofera.
SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort ofera:
- 15% discount la serviciile de cazare si la serviciile de agrement outdoor si indoor (teren de tenis, teren de football, teren de beach volley, inchiriere biciclete, pescuit sportiv, tiroliana, piscine exterioara, teren de golf, driving range, billiard, darts, tenis de masa, simulator golf)
- 5% discount la serviciile de restaurant
Modalitati de plata:

SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort is a matter of heart and passion. Imagine yourself landing in Cluj-Napoca, the 2nd city of Romania and suddenly driving on a secluded winding road, in the midst of the forest and reaching a secret meadow! That’s where you will find SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort – a lost paradise. SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort is a 40 ha domain that has its foundations on an old hunting ground. With a passion for nature, for healthy living and authentic Romanian spirit, Mr. Nicolae Cãpuşan (founder and CEO, SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort) followed his vision of building a private resort as an escape from the modern, agitated life-style. The Deer Meadow in the middle of the Baciu Forest hosts today the SunGarden Hotel and Dining area, the SPA, the Eden events hall, the Roman Plazza, the Venice Plazza and Outdoor Pool, the Chapel, the Lake and the Golf Course. Should you be a SPA aficionado, a Golfer or a nature and culture explorer, you will please your heart at SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort. Imagine happiness in the open air, surrounded by comfort and style. Imagine adventure for all ages in a safe environment. Imagine a state of peacefulness and gratification in a land that breathes legendary stories. You will discover all of it at SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort. SunGarden Golf & SPA Resort is part of a living legend. Discover the heart of Transylvania filled with fascinating legends. Our team is ready to unveil the SunGarden spirit as an authentic, friendly and informal art of living. Explore the legend, we’ll do the rest!Payment modes:

Categoria / Category
- Cluburi, Restaurante & Baruri / Clubs, Restaurants & Bars- Frumusete & Recreere / Beauty & Recreation
- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & Accomodation
- Sport & Timp liber / Sport & Leisure
www.sungardenresort.roNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
Puncte Smart
- la toate serviciile:7.5% - restaurant:2.5%Adresă
Sungarden Resort S.R.L. Poiana Cerbului 1000/Floor// 407055 Baciu Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Sungarden Golf & Spa Resort - Cluj-Napoca: Poiana Cerbului 1000-