Detalii partener / Partner Details Peter Turism Timisoara
Agentia Peter Turism, cu o experienta de peste 20 de ani ofera clientilor sai o gama larga de vacante atat in tara cat si in strainatate. Oferim clientilor nostri servicii turistice si produse menite sa satisfaca si cele mai exigente gusturi in materie de vacante.Va oferim sejururi in cele mai frumoase destinatii la costuri pentru orice fel de buzunar. Raportul dintre calitatea serviciilor oferite si pret este excelent. Datorita echipei noastre care raspunde cu promtitudine fiecarei solicitati, am devenit un partener de incredere pentru clientii si colaboratorii nostri. Serviciile noastre au la baza orientarea permanenta spre nevoile clientilor prin oferirea de servicii turistice de calitate.
Pentru o vacanta reusita apelati la Peter Turism! Nu doar cu noi..dar noi suntem cei mai buni!
Modalitati de plata / Payment modes:

Peter Turism Agency, with an experience of over 20 years, offers its customers a wide range of vacancies both in the country and abroad. We provide to our clients travel services and products designed to satisfy even the most exigent tastes in terms of vacations.We are offering holidays in the most beautiful destinations in any kind of pocket costs. The ratio of service quality and price is excellent. Thanks to our team that responds promptly to each request, we have become a trusted partner for customers and our collaborators. Our services are based on constant orientation towards the customer needs by providing quality travel services.
For a successful holiday call to Peter Turism! Not only with us .. but we are the best!
Categoria / Category
- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & Accomodation- Transport-Vacante | Transport-Holidays
www.peter-turism.roNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
Puncte Smart
- Turism extern - cazare + transport:4% - Turism extern - cazare + masa:2% - Turism intern:1.5%Adresă
Peter Turism S.r.l. G-ral Ion Dragalina 23/6A/Floor// 300162 Timisoara Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Peter Turism Timisoara - Timisoara: G-ral Ion Dragalina 23/6A-