Detalii partener / Partner Details Libraria Ametist Magazin Online
Bine ati venit in libraria Ametist. In fiecare zi veti gasi aici o reteta potrivita anotimpului si o maxima sau un proverb care sa va fie de folos in ziua pe care o traiti.Toate cartile pe care vi le punem la dispozitie sunt de folos:
copiilor - pe care avem datoria sa-i invatam tot ceea ce stim si multe altele pe deasupra
gospodinelor - care asigura prin munca si priceperea lor, prin dragostea si devotamentul lor bunul mers al vietii si existentei noastre ca popor.
educatorilor - carora le incredintam viata si devenirea fiilor si fiicelor noastre
turistilor - pe care-i vom lasa sa viseze cu ochii in atlase si enciclopedii
iubitorilor de frumos - carora le oferim albume de arta, vederi, desene in acuarela sau tus si uleiuri pe panza.
Ceea ce va oferim pe site-ul nostru avem langa noi si la targurile de carte si in depozitele de carte.
Ne-am fixat activitatea in cateva compartimente pe care vi le facem cunoscute:
- literatura pentru copii (varsta mica, scolari)
- literatura stiintifica (dictionare de botanica, zoologie, literatura, lectura scolara, antologii scolare lectura scolara suplimentara)
- carte de bucate (in special cele care trateaza bucataria romaneasca - traditionala, dar si moderna),
- literatura beletristica (romane, memorii, poezie)
- atlase, enciclopedii, itinerarii turistice (in general toate acestea sunt in limbile : franceza engleza, germana - si sunt importate de un importator autorizat).
Modalitati de plata :

Welcome to Amethyst library. Every day you will find here a season right recipe and a maximum or a proverb that will be useful in the day that you live.All the books that we put at your disposal are useful:children - that we have a duty to teach them everything we know and many others over
housewives - who provide by labor and their prowess, by their love and devotion,the good of life and our existence as a people
teachers - to whom we entrust the life and becoming of our sons and daughters
tourists - which we will let dreaming with the eyes open in atlases and encyclopedias
lovers of beauty - to whom we offer album art, postcards, drawings in watercolor or ink and oil on canvas.
What we offer on our website we have near us at the book fairs and book stores. We set on a few sections that we make known:
- literature for children (infants, school)
- scientific literature (Dictionary of botany, zoology, literature, reading school, school anthologies, additional school reading)
- recipe book (especially those that dealing with Romanian cuisine - traditional and modern)
- belletristic literature (novels, memoirs, poetry)
- atlases, encyclopedias, travel itineraries (usually all these are in the following languages: French, German, English - and are imported by an authorized importer).
Payment modes:

Categoria / Category
- Divertisment, Carti & Arta / Entertainment, Books & Arts- Servicii & Magazine Online / Online Shops & Services
www.librarieametist.roNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
+40721058787Puncte Smart
- La carti de bucate:10% - La carti de copii, Arta si Dictionare:5%Adresă
Ametist 92 S.r.l. Trestiana 11, Bl.14, Sc.B, Et.4, Ap.60/Floor// 916001 Bucuresti Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
Libraria Ametist Magazin Online - Bucuresti: Trestiana 11, Bl.14, Sc.B, Et.4, Ap.60-