Detalii partener / Partner Details Pensiunea Cristina
Pensiunea Cristina, ofera servicii de cazare la un nivel deosebit. Cele 16 locuri de cazare sunt impartite in doua apartamente, doua garsoniere, doua camere single si doua camere duble, toate fiind dotate cu baie, aer conditionat, televizor, telefon, frigider si minibar. Complexul Pensiunea Cristina este deservit de un personal calificat al carui unic scop este satisfacerea clientului.Description
Cristina boarding house offers high quality services of hosting and meal. The 16 hosting places are divided into 2 flats, 2 bachelor rooms, 2 single rooms and 2 double rooms, each one endowed with bathroom, air conditioning, television, telephone, refrigerator and minibar. Cristina boarding house centre have in its service qualified staff and has the unique and single target to satisfy the client.Categoria / Category
- Hoteluri & Cazare / Hotels & AccomodationWebsite
http://www.pensiunea-cristina.comNumere telefon / Telephone numbers
+40265266490Puncte Smart
- Cazare / Accomodation:5%Adresă
Crisan Company S.r.l. Str. Piatra de Moara 1A/Floor// 540354 Targu Mures Romania
Numere telefon / Telephone numbers
916004 - Targu Mures: Str. Piatra de Moara 1A-